01.16.2021 - 02.07.2021

The Brevard Renaissance Festival decided to go for it and have their event in spite of this crazy covid world. Their goal was to make sure that people would have a great time and still be safe. 

Bleacher Rentals 8 row foldable 3
Bleacher Rentals 3 row foldable 2

In order to do this people had to have the ability to have enough space to sit and watch the Jousting and other shows safely.

We had on hand 2 sets of transformer towable bleachers plus 4 sets of our 3 row portable folding bleachers. This allowed our client to be able to move the smaller sets around the fair grounds for other activities and then easily wheel them back for the big jousting matches.

Bleacher Rentals 3 row foldable 6
Bleacher Rentals 3 row foldable 5
Bleacher Rentals 8 row high angle